Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Visually-impaired, 11-year old Girl needs Re-Adoption

We thought we had a family for Angel Marie but they were not approved by their social worker. So Angel Marie still needs a family.
You may forward this  email but please do not post photos on the Internet. We are happy to share her video with you and there is no obligation or fee.Contact Lynnem@wacap.orgLynnem@wacap.org>

WACAP (www.wacap.org<http://www.wacap.org>)  a non-profit adoption agency is seeking a family for Angel Marie., age 11 who was originally adopted from Asia in August 2010. She is visually impaired and is currently in the Midwest US. Her English is excellent and she has a slight accent that is almost undetectable. Fees are considered minimal for this adoption and include lawyer fees, travel to and from the Midwest, a medical exam, and post placement reports. Please do not post her photo on the Internet.
Angel Marie is described as very smart and well-liked by her schoolmates. Recently she has been attending a boarding school for the blind and has done fantastic there; she has made great gains and is well liked by the staff. Previously, she also excelled in a mainstream educational setting with an aide to help with Braille. She thrives with consistent structure. She has been selected as “citizen of the week” on multiple occasions. Typical for her age, she sometimes has to be asked twice to perform a chore, but then she quickly complies.
She is active in her community service group known as The Helping Hands. She loves her gardening club, music, art and physical education. Angel Marie attends Sunday School, is very social and loves to play with others but can also play on her own. She is physically coordinated and loves to be outside riding her bike (with training wheels), riding her scooter, swinging and ascending up the rock climbing walls. She thoroughly enjoys herself swimming in the water.
Angel Marie has been in excellent health and has only had a few colds since being in the U.S. She is no longer taking medication for Mild Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and is doing well. The medication was helpful in decreasing over stimulation in social settings and increasing her ability to self-regulate. If Angel gets over-stimulated she claps her hands and fidgets.
She can see light and shadows and has recently  received her prosthetic eyes giving her eyes a normal appearance.
Sadly, Angel Marie was abused by an older child at the institution where she lived before she was adopted.  She has since been taught what is appropriate behavior and boundaries. We are seeking a family with only older children in the home. She is very honest about the abuse she suffered and is able to talk about it.
Angel Marie is not a picky eater but doesn’t enjoy broccoli or cauliflower. She is independent in all her personal self-care. She sleeps well and before bed she loves to be sung too and have her back rubbed before drifting off to sleep. She loves and craves affection and to be held and rocked.
She is a jokester and is very witty and has a great sense of humor. She is very verbal and can express herself well.  She is described as a very happy girl with many smiles and much laughter. If she gets upset she never yells. She has only cried a few times since she was adopted. But she has been attending attachment therapy and does EMDR therapy. She has bonded with her adopted mother but not her adopted father yet. However, she listens to her adopted father completely. She bonds more easily with women than men.
We are looking for a family who has a home study or can have one ready quickly. A family that will be able to provide therapeutic parenting and continue her progress with an adoption competent therapist.  A family will be responsible for any travel fees, attorney fees (to finalize re-adoption) and post-placement reporting fees associated with the adoption.  Married couples and singles may apply. Please contact Lynne Mason at Lynnem@wacap.orgLynnem@wacap.org>. WACAP (www.wacap.org<http://www.wacap.org>) is a non-profit adoption agency.

Lynne Mason Ph.D| WACAP | Research and Recruitment Manager | 206.575.4550 | (f) 206.575.4148 | www.wacap.org<https://mail.wacap.org/owa/UrlBlockedError.aspx>| Facebook<http://www.facebook.com/pages/Wacap-World-Association-for-Children-and-Parents/163218543709354> | Twitter<http://twitter.com/adopt_an_orphan>

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