Tuesday, August 31, 2010

{Retro Post} More pictures

Sunday, August 15, Special Royal Rangers recognition of Gary Bourn and Gary Thomas for their exemplary service. Billy is 3rd from right; Kevin is 2nd. James was out of town.

August 15, after church we drove up to Boise to pick up James, grabbed cheap drinks and popcorn and burgers, and briefly stopped at home to grab coats and chairs. Here's our family all ready to watch a drive-in movie--the first ones our kids have ever been to. We watched Despicable Me and Toy Story 3 (well, honestly I was so tired by that point that I slept through most of the last one)
This is one of the things that happens when a little boy has big sisters--Caleb modeling sissy's swim suit, August 17

August 20 the kids and I spent several hours cleaning up some property across the street from our church. Here's the kids enjoying a glass of cold water. Below, Billy after plowing through bunches of sticks and weeds with a huge grin on his face pushing this trusty mower.
Here's the whole tired crew.
Being silly.
The kids went dumpster-diving down at the school. They ended up with bunches of text books and a bunch of wood from old cabinets. I was so pleased they spent their day using imagination and ingenuity, creating a nice hide-out down in the corner of our back yard, August 24

Here are Steven and Caleb in front of the elementary school on the day we registered the big kids, August 26

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