Sunday, November 27, 2011

Heading to DisneyLand

Friday evening we finally told our children our surprise: we are going to be heading to hopefully-sunny California for a Christmas vacation!! Our planned destinations include: Disney Land, Disney Land Adventure Park, Lego Land and an aquarium whose name I can't remember right this second. You can imagine the roar of approval we received in return. Even Abby was joining the happy uproar--and she, of course, had very little idea what everyone was so excited about. However, on Saturday, we spent quite awhile online looking at the Disney site to see rides, video of the light show and other attractions. She kept saying, "please, please, Abby go?"

This will be our kids' first visit to these destinations. We've wanted to wait until they were old enough to really appreciate Disney Land--but not wait so long they are no longer living at home :)

And yes, I want to work hard to keep Jesus in our celebration. I did a TINY bit of decorating yesterday--I actually set up my "nice" Nativity set on the piano. I talked to Caleb and Steven and later, Abby about the beautiful characters. Every other year I've ended up chickening out and putting this particular set back up in the closet. (Never fear: I have LOTS of other Nativity sets that I put up throughout the living areas of our house) It's not an expensive set; it's just very pretty and fragile--and I don't want it broken. We'll see how long I can brave it out.

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