Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Christian Alliance for Orphans Summit VII

I get to go!! I get to go!! I am very excited about this and have been blabbing on and on on Facebook but forgot to post about it here.

The Christian Alliance for Orphans is a great group of very reputable organizations coming together to help orphans. Each individually is already a powerful instrument for God but imagine the beauty and strength when these groups come together in a harmonious symphony of partnership, collaboration, sharing of knowledge and experience. Some groups are particularly centered on adoption, others are dealing with foster care; one may be devoted to street children or trafficked children while another advocates for children with HIV. One organization's entire goal is to provide a good bed for every orphan head. Churches and individuals can also join the Alliance. As each of us-- whether we are a "flute" or "clarinet" or "saxophone" or "drum" in the orchestra--plays the individual notes that God himself has written for us specifically, the result is an amazingly beautiful song of worship to Abba Father and of obedience to His call to pure and undefiled religion. (James 1:27)

I truly encourage ya'll to check out http://christianalliancefororphans.org/summit See the great speakers, the very interesting breakout sessions, the concerts and even the lunch sessions that are planned. I won't kid you: it's physically and emotionally exhausting to go from about 8:45 am to 9:00 pm for two days--but wow, all the information and passion will fill your head and heart to over-flowing.

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