Saturday, October 1, 2011

Checking in with LOTS of pictures

One of several summer episodes playing in our backyard pool: Caleb, Abby and Steven. This particular picture was taken on August 11.

Here is the very sweet heart that Abby (and Scheri) made for ME! (I alluded to it in a previous post. It has a special place on the freezer door.

Above are two pictures of Abby at her initial dental exam on August 9. She was so cooperative that they were able to take xrays, clean, polish and apply fluoride.

Below is our new dining room table--we didn't have enough space at our old table (which now has graduated to being a resting place for our school computers and lots of school "stuff")
8/12--Here are our 3 Reece's Rainbow treasures in concert!! This was just too cute. Steven is at the piano, Caleb on the xylophone, and Abby on the guitar.

Now Caleb has taken over the ivories.
A duet.
Here's Steven astride a pony at the Jerome County Fair on August 12.

Caleb's turn
Abby and the pony being led around the petting zoo area at the fair.

Abby, Caleb and Steven outside the Merchant's Building in their Smokey the Bear hats. We had such a terrible time keeping hold of these balloons.
8/15-Scheri and Abby "artisting" in the girls' bedroom. This also shows the new beds we got for the girls' room. Billy also got a new twin-size bed, though of course it is in a separate room :)

8/16-The Mighty Warriors: Caleb, James and Steven

Scheri and Abby looking pretty on Aug 16.
Kevin and I went on a hot date to the Canyon Crest restaurant on Aug 19
August 21--This picture was taken at lunchtime at Arctic Circle right after church and right before we started our school-clothes-shopping marathon. I think it was after 11 pm when we finally staggered home. Good grief! It really should be illegal to have that much fun in one day.

August 29--Abby getting fitted for her brace. The technician applied this cast material to her right leg, let it harden and then cut it off. He used this mold to form the actual brace which we received a couple weeks later.
8/16--James tried out for the junior high football team and made it!! He was so psyched.

Here's James in uniform with Scheri in her cheerleader attire on 8/26
Scheri showing some of her moves.

My Dad's belated birthday party at our house on 8/26 AFTER the football game. (It was Scheri's first game to cheer.) He is 75!!

8/26--This was so precious. Abby actually fell asleep in Kevin's arms--a very special 'first.'

Our pooch Roxy truly believes she is a lap dog.

9/3--Caleb and Abby on the teeter-totters at Eden Park at our family reunion. Steven was paired up with Caleb while I was on the other end of Abby's board.
9/4--Labor Day camping trip in the South Hills. Caleb and Abby in the foreground; Kevin and Steven closer to the motor home.

Scheri and Teresa. This water is COLD (though actually warmer than it is in spring when it feels like liquid ice)

James and stick holding a dead fish. EWWW!
9/5--Billy the mighty explorer.
Queen Scheri up a tree.
Sitting around the family table at our campsite.
9/5--Scheri has figured out what she's wearing for the first day of school tomorrow. She's a sophomore.

9/6--Caleb and Steven on their first day of 1st grade.
9/12--Here are Teresa, James and Abby working away on schoolwork at home.
9/15--Back to the ortho place to try on Abby's new brace. She had chosen purple butterflies for the design on the molded plastic.These shoes which we took with us to Bulgaria were significantly too big for Abby; however, with the brace, they seem to be just right. PTL!! They have butterflies, too.

Isn't she beautiful!!
9/17--Abby, Caleb, Steven, Billy and Scheri all worked on surprise posters for Pastor Appreciation Sunday.

Here's Abby with an alphabet game
9/30--The McClain boys--James, Caleb, Billy and Steven

Here is the whole crew. Teresa, James, Billy, Abby, Scheri on the couch; Steven and Caleb in front. Unfortunately the sad occasion for our black attire was the death of one of our elementary teachers after a 2-year battle with cancer.

Abby and Scheri in front of the school.

Just in case anyone is worried--yes, we are all still alive and well. Yes, I have LOTS of pictures. Yes, I do seriously wonder whether I will ever really get this blog caught up. The organized part of me (stop that hysterical laughing! there IS an organized portion, however minuscule it may be!) is really bothered by the idea of not posting things in order. The more realistic part is arguing that if I wait to post things in order, well . . . our children will be great-grandparents before I get it done. I will settle for just putting the pictures in order.


  1. So glad you are doing well. Abby sounds like she is adjusting! HUGS! We will wait for photos and stories!

  2. Thank you so much for uploading new photos, I was starting to wonder why there weren't any new posts for so long. Abby looks happy and pretty, makes me smile when I look at her photos. I hope she smiles like that all the time. Your dog also looks really cute :) Looking forward to news and new photos.

  3. LOVE!! The pictures!! Your family is so beautiful!! (((HUG))) Elizabeth :o)

  4. I read the post all over again and looked again at every post... Abby looks gorgeous, she's so so lucky! From Bulgarian orphanage to your home... She has a future now!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Just wanted to say "Hi" from After the Rainbow. If you need anything or just want to talk to other families who have "been there", please don't hesitate to contact me or to post on the After the Rainbow Yahoo Group (shoot me an email if you're not a member yet).

    Rachel Whitmire
    Post-Adoption Care Coordinator
    Reece's Rainbow Down Syndrome Adoption Ministry
