Friday, January 7, 2011

Rats! The Ministry of Justice in Abby's country did not meet again today. This makes at least the 3rd Friday in a row that they have not met (holidays). But our in-country facilitator says they ARE supposed to meet next week. Remember that our dossier was submitted to them back on Dec 17. Under normal circumstances I believe they would have probably issued our verbal referral for Abby the next week. If I understand the process correctly, once the verbal referral is given, the adopting family and the facilitator start working on travel dates. We really ARE getting close.

Oh, how I hate waiting. I know I have never mentioned that before. (yeah, right!) I guess God knows that I need practice with patience. Isn't there a Bible verse that says something like "when patience has done its perfect work, you will be ___ (I can't remember the word) and complete, not lacking anything." Obviously, this is an area that remains greatly lacking.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Joy, waiting to meet your sweet girl has to be excruciating, I think God understands your longing! Prayers it happens soon my friend
