Rats! The Ministry of Justice in Abby's country did not meet again today. This makes at least the 3rd Friday in a row that they have not met (holidays). But our in-country facilitator says they ARE supposed to meet next week. Remember that our dossier was submitted to them back on Dec 17. Under normal circumstances I believe they would have probably issued our verbal referral for Abby the next week. If I understand the process correctly, once the verbal referral is given, the adopting family and the facilitator start working on travel dates. We really ARE getting close.
Oh, how I hate waiting. I know I have never mentioned that before. (yeah, right!) I guess God knows that I need practice with patience. Isn't there a Bible verse that says something like "when patience has done its perfect work, you will be ___ (I can't remember the word) and complete, not lacking anything." Obviously, this is an area that remains greatly lacking.
Oh Joy, waiting to meet your sweet girl has to be excruciating, I think God understands your longing! Prayers it happens soon my friend